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Study Medicine in Bulgaria – Medicine Admission – Foundation / Preparatory Course

Study Medicine in Bulgaria – Medicine Admission – Foundation / Preparatory Course

1. Overview of Preparatory Courses

The preparatory course for medicine in Bulgaria aims to equip students with the foundational knowledge and skills needed to successfully undertake a medical degree program. The course typically lasts one academic year and focuses on key subjects such as Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. Many courses also offer language classes to help international students become proficient in Bulgarian.

2. Entry Requirements

To apply for a preparatory course in Bulgaria, you will typically need:

3. Application Process

The application process for preparatory courses generally involves:

Please note: Each university may have slightly different requirements, so it’s important to check the specific requirements of the university you are applying to.

4. After the Preparatory Course

Upon successful completion of the preparatory course, students will be eligible to apply for the medical degree program. Keep in mind that the preparatory course does not guarantee admission into the medical program; you will still need to meet the entry requirements of the medical program, which may include passing an entrance exam.

Here are some universities in Bulgaria known to offer preparatory courses for medical studies:

Always contact the university directly to get the most accurate and updated information.


Study Medicine in Bulgaria
Study Medicine in Bulgaria
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